(a) Read Micah 1:1–9; 2:1–11. Write a brief statement describing what Micah prophesied would happen to Israel and Samaria. Read Micah 3:4–12 and list the reasons why these things happened to them. Read Micah 4:1–3 and the institute student manual commentary for Micah 4:1–2, “What Special Meaning Do These Verses Have for Latter-day Saints?” (pg. 121). Then make a second list of Israel’s future reasons for hope.
Micah prophesied that Israel and Samaria would be destroyed. The reasons they will be destroyed is: they behaved in ill doings, judge for reward, teach for hire, divine, for money, and prepare war. Israel has a reason to hope for these reasons: the house of the Lord shall be established, they will be taught his ways, they will walk in his paths, and the law shall go to forth.
(b) What additional insights does Doctrine and Covenants 45:66–71 reveal about Micah 4:6–8?
The additional insights are: the New Jerusalem will be a land of peace and a place of safety, The glory of God shall be there, the wicked will not come unto it, it shall only be the people that shall not be at war and one with another. I feel that this is a very important part of Zion that the people will not be at war with one another. I think that war is more that just fighting but it is also judging and saying hurtful things. Zion will be the place were love is felt everywhere. Not just the love our Savior has for us, but the love we have for each other.
(c) In your own words summarize the teachings in Micah 4:12; Isaiah 55:8–9.
The Lord has a plan for us. We don't understand the plan most of the time, but we need to trust in the Lord's plan. The Lord does things that we may not understand, and I feel that it is ok.
(d) Read Micah 5:1–5 and the institute student manual commentary for Micah 5:1-4, “But Thou, Bethlehem, ... out of Thee Shall He Come ... That Is to Be Ruler in Israel,” (pg. 122). Then list what Micah said about the first and second coming of the Lord.
First Coming: A ruler from old and everlasting shall come out of Bethlehem
Second coming: The gathering of Israel.
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