I'm not one who is an expert on love, or even one who knows very much about love. Lately I have come to notice that I think I have a very different view of love. I feel that love is something that happens once. Don't get me wrong I love lots of people, but I feel that I want to love just one time. I want to love someone with all my heart, with every fiber of my being, the love of life time just once. I want to have what my grandparents had. Maybe I am too much like my name sake my Grandpa Lynch who died of a broken heart. The story goes that Grandma Lynch died and my Grandpa survived long enough to see my sister be born, but the whole time he was miserable without his love. I want to love someone so much that I would be miserable without them. That living without them would be just surviving.
Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE chick flicks. I pretty much watch the same chick flicks over and over again. I have my staples, and I stick to them. As I have been watching these chick flicks over the years I don't think I ever thought I want a love like that, because it seems like the people in these movies go from one love to the next. This theory on love does make great movies though. In one of these movies it talks about how love fades… if love is love does it really fade? I think that if it truly is love it only grows stronger.
Well these are just the thoughts from one single girl about love…