Thursday, August 29, 2013

Products I Love!!

Ok so it's always nice to have help when starting a new skill, so I have found some neat things to help me along the way. I have even found some thing I absolutely hate. I also hate paying for apps, so all the apps I suggest are free!!

1. All In Pedometer App

I love this app!! I have actually been using it for a while now. It has a start and stop so you can keep track of specific work outs. It gives you the time of your laps. It tells you how many calories you burned. It also has a history so you can see your improvements. It is a great app check it out!

2. Lose It App

This is a great app to keep track of what you eat. It has a search option that includes fast food and supermarket food. You can also add in your exercise, and it will factor that into you calorie count for the day.

3. Waterlogged

I really love this app!! It really motivates me to drink water, and stop drinking coke... It will even send you reminders to drink more water.

Ok now for the bad news... I found a product that I really don't like. I'm not that picky about products I just want them to work. I'm so low matinence that I really just like the apple ear buds. I have found that I really like the apple buds that have a remote. I had some and they were great I loved them, but they broke about a month ago. I mean seriously how can you beat free headphones. It was time that I got some new head phones... bad idea!!! I should have just got some apple ones, but no I got these:

They don't stay in my ears, and when they are in my ears I can hear myself sing... Who wants to hear themselves sing. I don't!! I want the head phones to drown out my singing. I have had some of this brand before, but not the one with the remote thing. Lesson learned just stick with the free apple ear buds, because these bad boys don't stay in my ears.

My new skill is coming. I still don't like running. I know what your think well then why are you trying to make it your new skill, and I'm not sure why.

So let me put this question out there for anyone who likes running... Why do you like running?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Skill

Have you ever noticed that there are somethings that you need to learn or do when your young. Now I know I'm still pretty young, but for example I will never be a ballet dancer because I'm too old to start learning how to stand on my tip toes. That leads me to what skill can I learn now... running. I have never been a fan of running. At times I think what is the point of running. At least with other sports you get to score points. One of my really great friends Miss Hernandez loves running, and has really inspired me lately. I really do think that running is a skill, and you have to learn how to run and most importantly learn to love it. As I was thinking about running and this new skill that I want to learn I thought that to do this I would need a goal. Here is the goal:


Holy Cow a marathon... I'm not saying tomorrow I'm going to get up and sign up for a marathon. I need a plan. I have been doing some research, and there are all these different methods to begin running. A really popular on is couch to 5k, but I just wanted something really simple to get me started. I was looking on pinterest and came across this really great plan:

Here is the link to the pin: Running

So I started running this morning. I got up early thanks to my sister calling me and waking me up, and did my first run for week one. I did the 20 min. run for 40 mins. I walk/ ran 2 miles, and feel really good. I think it is a start, now don't get too excited I still don't like running.

Now I have a plan and I kind of have a goal, but I still need to work on a few things:

1. Pick a Marathon
2. Choose when to run the Marathon
3. Eat better (I haven't have Coke in like 4 days!!)

Those are main steps that I need to do next. Tomorrow I'll tell you about some neat products that I have found for my new skill.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Have you found yourself not as happy as you once were. You are still grateful for everything thing you have, and overall happy with life... but not happy. I have found myself in this predicament. I have so many things to be grateful for in my life. I love my life and I'm very happy with the way things are going, but I'm just not as happy as I use to be. I find myself getting more frustrated and anger, and frankly I'm just not a happy person to be around. This realization lead me to a few questions: Why would anyone want to be around me? How do I become a happy person again? How did this happen?

Now that I have figured this out the most important thing is to change it! As I was looking around Pinterest I found this amazing pin "12 LDS Talks That Changed My Life". Now most people would just read the #1 talk, well for some odd reason I went straight to the bottom. This is the little gem that I found:

I don't care if you are LDS, Buddhist, or even don't believe in God this is a great talk that will help you be happy.

I have decided after talking to a friend that I'm not the only one with this problem. I feel that a lot of people have times in their lives that they just aren't happy, so here is one person say that she is going to be a happy person because there isn't any reason she shouldn't be.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Finished Product

Ok I finally finished painting my Kitchen Aid! And I LOVE IT!!! Here are the before and after pictures:

Let me tell you a couple reasons why choose to do this. First did you know that it is cheaper to buy a plain white Kitchen Aid, so just get yourself the cheap white one and paint it whatever color you want. Second this Kitchen Aid was a gift from my sister a long time ago (get this she got it for free and gave it to me because she already had one) so I didn't really get to pick the color. Finally I love green!!! I want everything to be green, so I made it happen.

Ok now what you all want to know the step by step instructions:
Step 1: Your tools

1 Philips head screw driver, scissors, 1 good knife , painters tape (I'm sure masking tape would work too). Even though this isn't in the picture clorox wipes and a q tip is good to have around. You will also need a cardboard box to set it on when your painting, and of course your paint but I will explain more about that later. 

Step 2: Clean your Kitchen Aid really well. 
Get everything nook and cranny. Clean it once and come back and clean it again. YOU DO NOT WANT ANYTHING ON IT WHEN YOU PAINT!!!

Step 3: Remove parts...
I know what your thinking... I don't want to do that!! It is really easy trust me. First you want to remove the silver band that runs across the front of the machine that says "Kitchen Aid" on it. This can be done by looking on the back of you machine and you will see a screw on each side just unscrew them lift up a little bit and it should come right off. The next part that you want to remove is the bowl holder I will call it. There are three screws in that just unscrew and they come right out. I also choose to remove the back of the machine by just unscrewing the top screw and painting the separately, so that I didn't have to worry about the vent holes. I would really suggest that you do that as well. It made things a lot easier.

Step 4: Tape
You want to tape any piece that you don't want painted. I taped screws and nobs and anything that I wanted to stay their color. This is where the knife came in really handy. What I did was take the point of the knife and run it around the outside of the screw to get the basic outline of the screw. Next I would use the scissors and cut the shape out. Take your time doing this. Make sure you get everything.

You can see in this picture that I took off the back and painted it before I did the rest of the machine. This was to make sure I could tape the vent really easily. You also want to put take about half way down the cord. Also when you tape the silver just about the mixer head make sure you push the tape up into the head. 

Step 5: Paint
Ok so I got this really nice spray paint that said it could paint on metal (I think this is a must). Like I said in step 3 I painted the back cover first then I attached before I painted the whole machine. Make sure when you are painting that you don't get too close. You want to make nice long even strokes. You also want to make sure you get every nook and cranny. I did two coats the first day and then another coat on the second day. I put it on a cardboard box just to make sure the paint didn't get on anything and nothing got on it. 

Step 6: Put everything back together
This is the final step just put the parts that you took off back on and enjoy. I also look to make sure that I didn't miss any spots, if I did I just put a little spray paint on a q-tip and brushed it on with the q-tip.

It was a lot easier than I thought. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out! I was really nervous at first but I'm really happy I did it.

Well on the next project!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Kitchen Aid

For a long time now I have wanted a green Kitchen Aid mixer. I love the color green!!! I'm kind of obsessed with it. I got my Kitchen Aid a long time ago and it was free, but it was cream. Now that I have the time I'm going to make it green. I was reading on another blog a long time ago (not too long after I got the mixer) about how to paint it, so thats what I'm going to do.

Here is the before:

I'm so excited!!! It's going to be super cute! It will probably take me a few days to finish it, but I will give the after with step by step instructions in a few days once I'm done.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I just realized...

I just realized that I'm graduating... oh no! That means I will have to get a grown up job, and I won't be protected by BYU-Idaho anymore. I have to get an apartment. I won't be going to classes anymore. AHHHH!!! I might have time to do the stuff I actually want to do instead of doing home work. Nope nope not worth it... I'm starting to think I should fail some classes...