Ok so be prepared this post is going to be jam packed. First yesterday I took my last certification test to become a teacher. Let me tell you teachers have to go through a lot! I kind of like that though, because now the future of our country is getting taught by a certain level of excellence. Just so ya'all know here are the test I have to pass to become a teacher: Literacy 1, Literacy 2, Literacy 3, PRAXIS content knowledge, PRAXIS principles of learning and teaching. Those are just the state tests, but to even be in my Elementary Education program I had to pass 3 Math proficiency tests, 1 spelling test, and 1 writing test. Fheww it's been a long two years taking all these tests, but I'm so grateful that I have to pass them. I want to be the best teacher and theses tests make sure that I am. Here is the bright side of all these tests I'M DONE!!!!! NO MORE!!!!! I should get my results in a month from my last PRAXIS test, but as of right now I'M DONE!!!!! I just have to pass this semester which is already half way done, and next semester student teaching and I will be a teacher!!!! Who's excited? I AM!!!
My roommates are great! Yesterday I woke up to this:
I know you might not be able to see it very well, but they wrote tons of encouragement on my mirror for me!! I'm a Hawt Mama, When in doubt get creative, Good luck, You can do it, and tons of other great things. Then after my test still stressing about my score (because lets be honest I'm going to stress about it for the next month) I found this:
They are even encouraging me after my test. Pretty great roommates right? I think so! Also on the note of being pretty great I have so really great friends that hung out with me all week and encouraged me all week and were there for me through it all like they always are. Thanks Jenn and Zach!
Enough of the awesome people that I'm surrounded by it time to talk Thanksgiving. So lately I have seen saying what they are grateful for everyday because it's November and we are suppose to remember what we are thankful for right? I agree with what someone said ok now that it's November lets start the post with what we are thankful for because we aren't thankful the other 11 months of the year. I think part of this is true that we need to be saying what we are thankful for all year round, but I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say everyday what I'm thankful for so here is Day 1 - 3:
Day 1: I'm thankful for of course my family. I feel like no explanation is needed. My family is everything to me. Probably little know fact about me I haven't live less than 10 hours from my parents in 6 years. I know a long time right. I'm their independent child that decided to leave and spread my wings, well take advice from me don't leave... don't spread your wings. You will just end up missing the people you love the most. Just kidding... but really.... To elaborate on this a little more I made a deal with Heavenly Father almost 3 years ago that if I could get into BYU- Idaho and finish my degree I would move back home, and that is all I have been working on ever since. I just want to go home. Everyday I'm thankful for every single one of my family members. They are everything to me even though I might not show it all the time.
Day 2: I'm thankful for BYU-Idaho. This amazing school is stuck in the middle of freezing cold now where, but it is the best school. I know everyone will say that about their own school as I think they should but there is something special about this school. I love the teachers. I love the students. I love the campus even though it is on one big hill. I love BYU-Idaho!
Day 3: I'm thankful I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saint. It has be the best decision I have ever made. I'm grateful everyday for the knowledge that I have being a member of the Church. This sums up my feeling perfectly:
Why I joined the church!